HURST Jaws of Life Website Wins Three Design Awards

Usually a behind-the-scenes partner to first responders, HURST Jaws of Life® took center stage this month with advertising industry recognition of the design and user experience of The new website earned three awards at W3, an annual international awards competition.

HURST Jaws of Life won two gold awards and one silver award for the website in three categories: Best Mobile UX; Manufacturing Company; and Visual Appeal/Aesthetics. The new website was launched in late 2017 to provide dealers and rescue tool end users with robust resources, time-saving features and an immersive HURST Jaws of Life experience.

“Our goal is to make sure our customers have the tools they need to save lives,” Bruce Johnston, director of marketing and product management said. “ is a different kind of tool, but equally important. Being recognized by W3 for the site’s design and mobile user experience says is giving first responders easy-to-access and easy-to-use information whether they’re in the station or at the scene. We’re proud of this new website and appreciate the advertising industry’s recognition of it.”

The W3 awards recognize outstanding digital marketing materials. Judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, it is an invitation-only competition among a top tier of media, interactive, advertising and marketing firms.


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