Knight Continues Support for Local Charity for Abused Children

Knight LLC in Irvine, California, collected gifts last week and delivered an IDEX Foundation donation to support the nearby Eli Home for abused children.

Knight employees decorated a tree for a silent auction, and collected and wrapped 50 gifts to benefit the Eli home’s holiday toy drive. Adding to the cause, Knight and The IDEX Foundation also presented the organization with $2,500.

“I am happy to have my colleagues supporting the efforts”, said Laura Gnewuch, Knight Credit Manager and 5-year board member for The Eli Home. “They said it takes a village to raise a child. Also, it takes a village to care for a child. I believe we can all give back to our communities in small ways. We just have to do it. ”

The Eli Home has served victims of child abuse and violence for over 30 years. Providing support to over 1,000 abused children every year, the organization now operates two shelter homes with professional counseling and therapy staff.

With 90 percent employee participation during their second year, Knight – which manufactures chemical dispensing systems for commercial warewashing, laundry, and dairy farm applications – aims to continue growing its partnership with the Eli Home.

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