IDEX Corporate Employees Pack Food for Children in Haiti

IDEX Corporate office employees partnered with Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville, Illinois, to pack food for children in Haiti last week.

Twenty-eight team members from the Human Resources, Legal and Accounting departments hand-packed bags with rice, soy, dried vegetables and a nutritionally complete blend of vitamins and minerals. After filling bags with food, team members also sealed, boxed and placed packages on pallets for shipping.

With four different groups of employees working together, the hand-packing event quickly turned into a competition to pack as much food as possible.

As a result, in just two hours team members packed a total of 74 boxes, providing almost 16,000 meals for children in Haiti!

Located near the IDEX offices in Lake Forest, Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a non-profit that provides nutritionally complete meals specifically formulated for malnourished children. Founded in 1987, FMSC has shipped more than 137 million meals to 43 countries this year alone.

To learn more about the organization, click here to watch a video.


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