LUKAS Presents eWXT tools at Long Night of Sciences

LUKAS demonstrated the battery-powered, watertight eWXT rescue tools at the ninth annual “Long Nights of Sciences” event in Erlangen, Germany last month.

Held every other year, The Long Night of Sciences (Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften) is one of the largest scientific communication events in the Nuremberg metropolitan region, bringing together more than 20,000 science enthusiasts from Nuremberg, Fürth, and Erlangen, Germany. Members of the general public attend lectures and see demonstrations at local institutions from the early evening until past midnight.

To improve brand recognition in Germany, LUKAS team members demonstrated the eWXT tools, and shared information about their rescue tool portfolio with enthusiasts and prospective employees. Attending the event for the first time, LUKAS Team members answered common questions including, “How does eDRAULIC work under water?” and “Why doesn’t the battery explode when submerged in Water?”

With six local universities, private knowledge projects, public institutions and research institutes in attendance, the event allowed LUKAS to expand their network, and further educate people on how their products improve lives in the community.

To watch a recap video of the 2017 event, click here



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