Polymer Precision Engineering Enlists International Leader to Help Save Christmas

This year, the team at Polymer Precision Engineering (PPE) in Blackburn, England, has given hundreds of volunteer hours to their local foodbank. The time commitment coupled with regular donations of essential food and toiletries has supported a vital community service for those in need.
The winter holidays are one of Blackburn Foodbank’s busiest times of the year. So, PPE organized a special donation drive over the months of November and December to collect essential items. To distribute the items, they called on a legendary figure known for spreading hope and joy…
Fluid Management Donates to the Families of Instituto
Fluid Management employees joined Instituto del Progreso Latino in Chicago on Saturday, December 9, for their annual Family Toy Drive to benefit children who often don’t receive gifts during the holidays due to financial hardships.
The effort to support Instituto was a two-part volunteer event. Employees first collected and wrapped over 100 toys at their facility. One week later, seven employees attended the Toy Drive in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago to serve as Santa’s helpers. They built gingerbread houses with the kids, passed out toys to families and facilitated a drive-through pickup option. In addition to collecting gifts and donating their time, the team also donated $10,000 USD to Instituto through the IDEX Foundation.

IDEX Health & Science Coordinates a Special Delivery
Employees at the Oak Harbor IH&S site north of Seattle brought some early holiday cheer to their local community food bank. Volunteers assembled holiday baskets for North Whidbey Help House, which the local team has supported for many years. They also helped load up vehicles to deliver the baskets to those in need.