New “SAMFlows Experience” Offers Animated Look at IDEX Fire & Safety EU Technology

Company News
January 16, 2025

IDEX Fire & Safety EU this week introduced a new animated feature, highlighting how the automated SAMFlows integrated total waterflow control system is revolutionizing the speed of fire engine pump operations during the critical first few minutes on scene. 

While many in the fire services still control flow with complicated manual control panels on the side of trucks, SAMFlows automates the moving water from the water source to the fire. SAMFlows controls the intake, discharge, and tank valves, engine speed, primer operation, bleed valves, and tank recirculation to automate the entire pumping process for the operator.

During the critical first five minutes, the pump operator typically has thirteen tasks to complete to supply initial attack crews and establish a water source. With SAMFlows, the operator only has to do three of these tasks, and SAMFlows takes care of the rest. SAMFlows frees the operator to focus on the crew and fireground conditions.

See it yourself by starting the SAMFLOWS Experience here.

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