IDEX Teams Break Records in Third Food Drive Challenge

Company News
July 25, 2022

IDEX employees worldwide rose up and met the IDEX Foundation challenge, addressing food insecurity in their communities by collecting and donating a combined total of 20.5 tons (18,643 kilograms) of non-perishable foods to local food banks, providing an estimated 34,250 meals* to people in need in the second quarter.

As part of its challenge, the IDEX Foundation also gave $5,000 USD to each of the more than 40 local food banks supported by IDEX business units, resulting in an additional $215,000 in direct assistance to help people in need.

“The entire IDEX Foundation board is absolutely overwhelmed with the generosity of our business units and how well our site coordinators performed leading the food drives, which are helping so many people during these times of high inflation,” IDEX Foundation Board President Derrick Goddard said. “I would like to personally thank each site leader and all the local teams who got behind this effort for their continued commitment to their communities. I received multiple messages of sincere thanks from the food banks our teams supported.”

As part of the IDEX Foundation challenge, business units competed for which site could collect the most food for donation. Business units were divided into three size groups depending on number of employees and collected non-perishable food donations in the second quarter. The winners earned a celebratory team meal on IDEX.

This was the third food insecurity campaign led by the IDEX Foundation since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.

*Feeding America estimates 1.2 pounds of food equals one meal.

Fluid Management Hosts Concert with 123 Andrés, Continue School Partnership

Company News
July 5, 2022

Fluid Management (FM), which manufactures paint dispensing and mixing equipment in Wheeling, Illinois (USA), recently partnered with Jane Addams Elementary school to sponsor a Spring Concert with Latin Grammy winning children’s music duo 123 Andrés! The group performs “Spanish and English songs for little language learners.”

In their sixth year of the partnership, FM & Jane Addams school invited 123 Andrés to play during a school assembly, where over 500 kids enjoyed the interactive concert during the school day. FM team members volunteered to support the event by helping set-up and also put together goodie bags for students.

With funding from the IDEX Foundation, the school also hosted a concert for the community.

“It was incredible to see the engagement from the kids, families, and staff at Jane Addams. The concert was a huge hit, and the principal and teachers were very appreciative of the opportunity to support this unique cultural experience.” Said Mark Bishop, VP of Human Resources

Located near FM’s office, Jane Addams Elementary school serves over 500 students from Pre-K through 6th grade with 79% minority enrollment. Since partnering with the school in 2016, employees have assisted in several projects, including volunteering at the schools’ track and field day, science night, literacy night, funding the “One School One Book” program and more.


Warren Rupp Supports YMCA with Food Donations, Celebrates Corporate Social Responsibility Award

Company News
June 27, 2022

Warren Rupp, which received the IDEX 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award, recently continued their partnership with the local YMCA for “Serving Up Summer” – a weekly program designed to help children stay active and healthy, providing relief to families in Mansfield, Ohio.

To help battle food insecurity, Warren Rupp team members will volunteer every week this summer to ensure students have food for the weekends. Five Warren Rupp team members recently volunteered for a couple of hours to fill more than 100 bags with nutritious snacks, cereal, and non-perishable food items for the kids to take home over the weekend.

Additionally, team members tended to the community vegetable garden, helped sanitize the splash pad and played kickball with local students.

The team at Warren Rupp also celebrated receiving IDEX’s 2021 CSR award and hosted a ceremony and luncheon for employees and valued community partners last week. During the ceremony, Warren Rupp’s General Manager David Llewellyn presented the YMCA of North Central Ohio with $21,000 USD to purchase a new vehicle for their growing “Y on Wheels” program. The donation will help transport staff, equipment and activities locations off the YMCA grounds.

​Warren Rupp has partnered with the YMCA for at least 10 years and was named as one of the YMCA’s local “Heroes” for their overall fundraising commitment in 2018.

Since 2017, Warren Rupp has supported the Mansfield YMCA in several events including Healthy Kids Day, Y on Wheels, Veterans Breakfast, trunk or treat, and more.


IDEX Corporation Appoints Alejandro Quiroz Centeno to Board of Directors

Company News
June 16, 2022

IDEX Corporation (NYSE:IEX) today announced the appointment of Alejandro Quiroz Centeno to the company’s Board of Directors. The appointment of Mr. Quiroz, effective June 15, 2022, increases the size of the board from 10 to 11 directors. He will serve on the board’s Compensation Committee.

IDEX Corporation

Mr. Quiroz currently serves as CEO Latin America for Prysmian Group, a global leader in the energy and telecommunications cable systems industry. Prior to joining Prysmian Group, Mr. Quiroz served as President, Aptiv Latin America, leading a $5.5 billion automotive technology business with 75,000 employees and 40 locations in Mexico, Central and South America. His previous experience includes leadership roles in various countries at automotive suppliers Tenneco, Edscha AG and Continental AG, as well as home appliance manufacturer Whirlpool.

“Now that more than half of IDEX revenue comes from outside the United States, we look forward to the perspective and insight that Alejandro will bring based on his significant experience leading international manufacturing organizations,” said IDEX Chief Executive Officer and President Eric D. Ashleman. “He has a strong track record of leveraging applied technologies into long-term competitive advantage within a variety of industries and geographies and will be an ideal fit for IDEX.”

Mr. Quiroz holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universidad de las Americas-Puebla. He is a member of the US-Mexico Foundation and the Latino Corporate Directors Association.

“Alejandro has deep current business experience in markets all over the world, which will bring great value to our board. He will be an excellent addition to an already strong Board of Directors,” said William M. Cook, Non-Executive Chairman of the Board.

About IDEX

IDEX (NYSE: IEX) makes thousands of products and mission-critical components that improve everyday life all around you. If you enjoy chocolate, it quite possibly passed through a Viking® internal gear pump at the candy factory. If you were ever in a car accident, emergency workers may have used the Hurst Jaws of Life® rescue tool to save your life. If your doctor ordered a DNA test to predict your risk of disease or determine a course of treatment, the lab may have used equipment containing components made by IDEX Health & Science. Founded in 1988 with three small, entrepreneurial manufacturing companies, we’re proud to say that we now call over 45 diverse businesses around the world part of the IDEX family. With more than 7,500 employees and manufacturing operations in more than 20 countries, IDEX is a high-performing, global company with nearly $2.8 billion in annual sales, committed to making trusted solutions that improve lives. IDEX shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “IEX”.

View source version on businesswire.com

IDEX Energy Partners with Boys & Girls Club, Teaches Students about Engineering & Physics

Company News
May 31, 2022

Leadership team members from the IDEX Energy group, which includes Advanced Flow Services (AFS), FlowMD, Toptech Systems, and Sampi, recently gathered in Florida and participated in a volunteer activity with the East Altamonte Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida (BGCCF).

A group of more than fifteen leaders visited the local BGCCF facility and partnered with thirty students (ages 6-12) to build zipline racers using basic engineering & physics concepts. Students were introduced to concepts such as kinetic energy, thrust, velocity, and torque.

With leaders divided into seven groups, IDEX volunteers guided students through the activity, using paper clips, popsicle stick frames, propellers, and rubber bands.

“After some trial and error, most of the racers went very fast. All the students had a blast,” said Arianna Harris, Marketing Manager at Toptech. “There were oohs and aahs and even applause after each racer successfully finished the course.”

Students also enjoyed pizza and cupcakes to celebrate a few of the IDEX volunteer birthdays and IDEX team member Gabriele Attala even taught students a few phrases in Italian.

Over the years, Toptech has partnered closely with the East Altamonte Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida, including hosting many events and even building a technology and activity center.

FlowMD Helps Battle Food Insecurity in Thailand, Packs More than 15,000 Meals

Company News
May 26, 2022

FlowMD, a unit of the IDEX Energy group, recently partnered with Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) in Phoenix, Arizona to help fight food insecurity.

Twelve employees from the Engineering, Marketing, Quality, Production, Field Service, Accounting, Shipping, and Purchasing departments hand-packed bags with rice, soy, dried vegetables and a nutritionally complete blend of vitamins and minerals. After filling bags with food, team members also sealed, boxed, and placed packages on pallets for shipping.

In less than two hours team members packed a total of 70 boxes, providing almost 15,000 meals for children in Thailand!

“This was our first off-site event as a company, but we hope to continue partnering with FMSC and other organizations to make a difference in communities in need,” Human Resources Generalist Carissa Gonzalez said.

Flow MD engineers and manufactures technically-differentiated “unidirectional captive displacement provers,” also called “small volume provers,” used in the custody transfer of petroleum products, particularly on pipelines. In a market where slight inaccuracies in flow meter measurements at transfer points can result in enormous payment discrepancies for customers, Flow MD’s calibration products serve a critical application.

Located near the FlowMD facility, Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a non-profit that provides nutritionally complete meals specifically formulated for malnourished children. Founded in 1987, FMSC helps ship essential foods through over 200 channels to orphanages, schools, clinics, and food programs across 70 countries.

IH&S Colleagues Build Garden Beds, Provide Fresh Food for Employees

Company News
May 25, 2022

IDEX Health & Science team members at the Life Science Optics Center of Excellence in West Henrietta, New York, began building a community garden to provide fresh, healthy food for employees last year.

Prior to joining the team at the Optics Center of Excellence, Optical Filters Manufacturing Associate Khalil Aboushama, maintained a garden of his own at the Semrock facility in Gates, New York. When that location was moved to the current John Street location, he wanted to continue serving his colleagues.

Inspired by Khalil and his enthusiasm for gardening, IH&S team members partnered with him to start the new garden.

IDEX Fire & Safety Partners with IDEX Foundation, iEmpathize for First Responder Training

Company News
May 20, 2022

IDEX Fire & Safety (IF&S) recently collaborated with the IDEX Foundation to donate funds for iEmpathize – a non-profit organization which equips adults and first responders with skills to recognize and help eradicate child exploitation and human trafficking.

IF&S donated $25,000 USD to support iEmpathize’s First Responder Training course, offering classroom education on child exploitation and human trafficking prevention to the same first responders that IDEX Fire & Safety’s trusted brands serve on the fireground. The First Responder Training course is designed to address human trafficking specifically from the unique perspective of a firefighter, EMT, paramedic and 911 dispatcher. First responders are uniquely positioned to identify trafficking situations and are often the first to encounter a potential victim or crime. Their role is critical in identifying and responding to human trafficking cases.

“Adults intersect with vulnerable and victimized youth every day, yet cases continue to increase,” said Mark Brende, Engagement Coordinator for the non-profit group, iEmpathize. “By funding our First Responder Training course, IDEX Fire & Safety is helping us provide the tools and equip first responders to identify, report and respond to the issues of child exploitation and human trafficking. We extend our thanks to IDEX Fire & Safety and the IDEX Foundation and appreciate their partnership in the fight against human trafficking.”

IDEX Fire & Safety’s trusted brands in North America include Akron Brass, Hale and HURST Jaws of Life, all of which serve first responders with equipment for the rescue scene. The partnership with iEmpathize allows IDEX Fire & Safety to broaden that commitment to saving lives.

“Building on a long tradition of supplying first responders with the equipment they need on the frontline, we’re equipping firefighters with a different tool to save lives: awareness of human trafficking” said Bill Simmons, president, IDEX Fire & Safety. “We’re proud that IDEX Fire & Safety is able to contribute to such an important initiative and are appreciative of yet another way first responders are saving lives every day.”

“This partnership reflects our commitment to providing trusted solutions to improve lives in a very different, overarching and powerful way,” said Bruce Johnston, Director of Marketing, IDEX Fire & Safety North America Fire & Safety. “The everyday tasks we do, day in and day out, contribute to our promise to work tirelessly to make the fire ground and rescue scene safer. Now, we can take that promise one step further with making the world safer for vulnerable youth.”

Photo Courtesy of iEmpathize

Advanced Thin Films Builds, Delivers Bikes for Students

Company News
May 19, 2022

Team members at Advanced Thin Films, a unit of IDEX Optical Technologies, recently partnered with Wish for Wheels to build and deliver bikes for students at a local elementary school.

A group of more than 50 employees from all departments, volunteered to assemble bikes with chains, handlebars and tires, building 58 bikes in only a couple of hours.

“This was an absolutely amazing experience,” said Cost Accountant Jenna Jones. “One person was blindfolded and building the bike; and another was giving instructions, not able to touch the bike. Seeing people from different departments working together was so rewarding,” she said.

Team members also volunteered to deliver bikes to students later that day.

“Going to the school and being able to see and interact with the kids receiving the bikes we built, was the most rewarding experience,” said Human Resources Manager Gabriela Garrido.  “We don’t always get to directly meet the people that our community efforts benefit, so it was really nice to see all the kids’ excited faces when they learned they were going home with their very own bike.”

In collaboration with the IDEX Foundation, Advanced Thin Films donated $5,000 to Wish for Wheels.

Advanced Thin Films (ATF), which manufactures optical solutions for the aerospace and life sciences industries, began partnering with Wish for Wheels in 2019. Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, Wish for Wheels partners with companies to build and deliver bikes for children in low-income schools.

To learn more about the organization, visit their website.

IDEX Fire & Safety Introduces SAM™ Monitor Control, HURST Jaws of Life Launches New Rescue Tools

Company News
May 11, 2022

IDEX Fire & Safety (IF&S) recently unveiled new products at the International Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC), one of the largest tradeshows for Fire & Rescue professionals in the world.

The IF&S team announced the launch of SAM Monitor Control, a new feature on the SAM™ flow control system,  which allows users to work the SAM™ Monitor from the Control Center or optional tablet, providing more flexibility for movement around the fireground and fire apparatus.

SAM, which launched in 2019, decreases the workload of the pump operator, allowing them time to focus on their crew and stay ahead of water supply issues. At the same time, SAM’s ability to allow the operator to control the truck from either side lets the operator stay in better visual contact with the crew and the fireground, amplifying their problem-solving capability, ability to stay ahead of crew needs, and option to always pump from a safe location on roadway incidents.

With the new SAM Monitor Control and the 2021 launch of SAM Smart Nozzle with N2P Technology, IDEX Fire & Safety continues to modernize firefighting technologies to address the challenges firefighters face on the fireground.

HURST Jaws of Life® also announced the release of a new Ram Claw, along with the expansion of its recently launched eDRAULIC® 3.0 (E3) line, adding the R 320 E3 Mini Ram to the product family.

The new Ram Claw set is designed to support “cross-ramming,” a technique used to push deformed body panels out of the way, clearing room for patient extrication from vehicles. It also provides increased surface area to ensure that material can be pushed away, rather than pierced, allowing for creation of an anchor point outside of standard push points.

The new R 320 E3 Mini Ram, which expands HURST Jaws of Life’s collection of E3 Ram offerings to three, allows first responders to create wide rescue openings in small places. The R 320 E3 Mini Ram is 13.39 inches long when retracted and extends to 25.2 inches. At just 29.32 pounds, it’s easy to maneuver and is quieter than any HURST Jaws of Life Ram.

Launched in 2021, E3 takes HURST Jaws of Life’s battery-powered extrication tools and makes them faster, and operational in both fresh and saltwater. Included on all E3 tools, the R 320 E3 features a smart tool dashboard providing the tool operator with live, visual and easy-to-see tool feedback. The dashboard includes a power level indicator, which alerts the user to real-time power level, and a battery charge status indicator, ensuring the operator is aware of runtime in real time.

IDEX Fire & Safety includes Akron Brass, Alco, AWG, Captium, Class1, Dinglee, Godiva, Hale, HURST, LUKAS, Vetter, and Weldon.

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