IDEX Fire & Safety Documents Eye-Opening Technology Demonstration

At IDEX, we’re not just about creating trusted solutions that improve lives. We’re about igniting progress that resonates within our communities, safeguarding the heroes who protect us.

This goal was brought to life last month at FDIC International, one of the largest gatherings for firefighting professionals, held each spring in Indianapolis. There, IDEX Fire & Safety didn’t just participate, we led the charge in Fire and Safety innovation.

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On spotlight this year was our SAM™ Integrated Total Water Control System. SAM is an automated flow control system that manages the truck’s pump, tank, intakes and discharges.  With its touch screen display and speed of use, this technology has been setting new benchmarks in firefighting for over half a decade.

At our outside booth, we kicked things off with a live face-off. It was old vs. new – a traditional mechanical truck pitted against one armed with the newer SAM system. It was here that attendees had an eye-opening glimpse into how technology could change their pumping operations.

The crowd was all buzz at the SAM Challenge, and our very own Gurmeet Kharbanda from Corporate IT – Digital Transformation & IoT Enablement (with no firefighting experience) decided to step up to the challenge.

Despite Gurmeet being a newcomer to fire trucks, his attempt operating the old mechanical truck was impressive. But, when he switched to the SAM system, it was like witnessing a revolution in real-time. He began flowing water at 1 minute and 28 seconds—compared to 3 minutes and 25 seconds on the mechanical.

Gurmeet’s trial with the SAM wasn’t just faster. It was a stark revelation. It underscored our promise of efficiency demonstrating how intuitive and impactful our solutions can be, especially when every second counts.

Seeing Gurmeet, with no prior experience in commanding fire trucks, take to the SAM system with such ease was a testament to its user-friendly design. It was so powerful, in fact, that it had Gurmeet joking about a switch in careers!

While the SAM system caught most of the limelight, it wasn’t the lone hero of the show. Every initiative showcased our unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries with tech that’s not just advanced, but also approachable and profoundly effective. The challenge wasn’t just about beating the clock, it was a tribute to our continuous innovations, integrated solutions, and simple design.

IDEX Fire & Safety’s trusted brands in North America include Akron Brass, Hale, and HURST Jaws of Life, all of which serve first responders with equipment for the rescue scene.

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A person standing next to a truck  Description automatically generated
A person standing next to a fire truck  Description automatically generated
A person sitting in a white truck  Description automatically generated
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