IDEX Foundation Donates to ShelterBox to Help Provide Shelter to Earthquake Victims

ShelterBox delivered relief supplies – including tents, tarpaulins, water filters and carriers, mosquito nets and solar lights – to people displaced by floods in Pakistan in October 2022. [Photo Credit: ShelterBox]
In response to the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, the IDEX Foundation is making a $50,000 USD donation to ShelterBox, a charitable organization provides aid kits to victims of natural disasters worldwide. The typical ShelterBox kit includes a durable tent, cooking equipment, water filtration, solar lights, blanket and mats. Freezing winter temperatures have made shelter a particular concern in this disaster.
While IDEX does not have facilities in Turkey or Syria, we have employees whose families have been directly impacted, including several who have family members who died amid the building collapses. We extend our deepest condolences to the IDEX team members who have lost loved ones in this terrible tragedy.

“After learning that some of our own employees’ families were suffering so greatly impacted by the devastating earthquakes, we knew the IDEX Foundation should contribute to the worldwide relief effort,” IDEX Foundation President Derrick Goddard said. “This happening during the winter is especially cruel. The need for shelter and warmth is great, which is why we selected ShelterBox as our charity in this instance.”

As of Sunday, February 12, rescuers were still trying to find people alive in the wreckage of buildings that collapsed in Turkey and Syria following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and its powerful aftershocks on Monday, February 6. More than 33,000 people are confirmed dead and tens of thousands injured.

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