Warren Rupp Receives “Hero” Honors for commitment to local YMCA

The YMCA in Mansfield, Ohio, named Warren Rupp as one of its local “Heroes” for the company’s overall fundraising commitment in 2018.

Since 2017, Warren Rupp has supported the Mansfield YMCA in several events including Healthy Kids Day, Splash Pad, Y on Wheels, Veterans Breakfast, trunk or treat, and planting and financing the community garden.

Additionally, Warren Rupp employees volunteered to facilitate and fund a nine-week program called Serving Up Summer to feed children during the summer. More than 150 children and their families from the Mansfield YMCA, were equipped with fresh produce and nonperishables for meals and healthy snacks.

“We really feel that time spent face-to-face is just as valuable as a financial contribution,” said Robyn Montgomery, a category buyer at Warren Rupp. “We enjoy showing Richland County kids that we care, and we [employees] really enjoy volunteering at the Y because of the high level of interaction we can have with the children,” Montgomery told the Richland Source newspaper

In 2018, Warren Rupp reached 75 percent employee participation and donated over 800 hours in total volunteer service. Donations from the IDEX Foundation and Warren Rupp Inc. supplemented the volunteer efforts. Warren Rupp plans to continue its partnership in 2019, planning to help with Literacy Month, Serving Up Summer, Y on Wheels, Healthy Kids Day and more.

Warren Rupp, an IDEX company, is a leading manufacturer of air-operated double diaphragm (AODD) pumps.

To read the full The Richland Source article, click here.

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