Compliance & Integrity
With trust embedded in our company mission and values, integrity is an integral part of who we are and what we do every day. We believe that operating with the utmost integrity is very foundation for our continued success.
At IDEX, we strive to achieve market leadership and excellent business results through ethical business practices. We are relentlessly committed to fostering a culture of integrity across our business and are firmly rooted in the IDEX values of trust, team and excellence. IDEX does business in numerous countries and cultures around the globe. We comply with the laws in the places where we conduct business.
IDEX has adopted the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which outlines the company’s commitment to conducting itself with honesty, fairness and integrity and to observing the rule and spirit of the legal and regulatory environment in which the company operates. The code is rooted in IDEX’s values and defines the fundamental ethical standards that we expect of everyone who works for IDEX, including our contractors, suppliers, and partners.
To view a copy of our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, please select a language:
IDEX strictly prohibits bribes and kickbacks of any kind. Bribery and corruption erode public confidence in the marketplace. Employees and third parties acting on behalf of IDEX are prohibited from making improper payments of any type, to government officials or individuals in the private sector, to improperly influence a business or government decision, secure an improper advantage, or obtain or retain business.
IDEX has adopted an Anti-Corruption Policy that addresses IDEX’s standards on anti-corruption and provides guidance on various anti-corruptions laws. The Anti-Corruption Policy supplements the IDEX Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and other Corporation Policies and Procedures that cover standards of conduct and ethics.
- IDEX Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy Statement
- IDEX EU Whistleblowing Directive Policy Statement
International Trade Compliance
As a global company with international supply chains and trade channels, it is IDEX’s policy to comply with all applicable local and international import, export, and trade compliance laws including laws regarding valuation, tariff classification and country of origin determination; export controls, trade embargoes and restrictions, sanctions and boycotts; and remedies to unfair trade practices, such as anti-dumping and countervailing duties.
Treating One Another With Mutual Respect
Everyone is entitled to respectful treatment at IDEX. Being respected means being treated fairly, honestly and professionally, with each person’s background, skills and perspectives valued. A respectful workplace is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment, but it involves more than just compliance with the law. It is a work environment that is free of inappropriate and unprofessional behavior and consistent with IDEX’s values – a place where everyone is invited to do their best every day and feel free to report any concerns.
IDEX’s Code of Conduct prohibits discrimination at any point in the employment process on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, national origin, age, disability, gender identity or gender expression, protected veteran’s status, genetic information or any other characteristic protected by local law or regulation. IDEX does not tolerate harassment or any offensive or disrespectful conduct in the workplace. Harassment can include verbal, physical or visual conduct that interferes with another’s work environment or otherwise creates an offensive, intimidating, disruptive, abusive or hostile work environment.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Our suppliers are our valued partners. We strive to do business with reputable third parties and we strive to be fair in our selection of suppliers and consultants. We select our suppliers and consultants based on qualifications, service, competitive price and a shared commitment to ethical conduct in the workplace. All of our suppliers are required to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct. Employees involved in selecting suppliers, consultants and other third parties are required to be objective and fair and disclose any personal, financial or ownership interest in a third party prior, during and throughout the selection process.
To view a copy of our Supplier Code of Conduct, please select a language:
Child Labor, Slavery, and Human Trafficking
IDEX does not engage in, or support, child labor, human trafficking or slavery or knowingly support companies that utilize any form of child labor, slavery or human trafficking.
- IDEX Human Rights Policy
- IDEX UK Modern Slavery Act Statement
- IDEX California Transparency in Supply Chains Act
- IDEX Forced Labour in Canadian Supply Chains Act Statement
Conflict Minerals
To view more information about our Conflict Minerals Policy view these documents:
- 2023 IDEX Conflict Minerals Report
- IDEX Conflict Minerals Policy
- IDEX Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT-RMI)
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please reach out to the IDEX Team
Open and Honest Reporting
At IDEX, we have an open door philosophy. This means that we encourage people to report concerns, ask for guidance and voice their opinions. People must feel comfortable to raising questions, especially when there are gray areas. We support open and honest communication.
Unfortunately, sometimes rules are broken. When that happens, people must bring those matters to our attention so we can resolve those issues. In fact, when someone becomes aware of something that may violate our code, our values, company policy or the law, he/she is obligated to bring it to the company’s attention. People will have the option of reporting concerns anonymously, unless restricted by local privacy laws. IDEX maintains the confidentiality of the report and the privacy of the people involved, to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the ultimate goal of conducting a thorough and complete investigation. IDEX strictly prohibits retaliation of any kind.
Any individual who suspects misconduct/violations of ethical business standards, the IDEX Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, or IDEX’s equal employment standards may seek information or file a report by visiting our ethics hotline. See below for contact information.
Phone: +1(866)292-2089; Web:
Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO)
We are an Equal Employment Opportunity employer committed to providing equal opportunity in all our employment practices, including selection, hiring, assignment, re-assignment, promotion, transfer, compensation, discipline, and termination. The Company prohibits discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in employment based on race; color; religion; genetic information; national origin; sex; sexual orientation; gender identity or expression, gender stereotyping; pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions; age; disability (physical or mental); citizenship status; service member status; or any other category protected by federal, state or local law.
We establish trust by developing quality products- the quality of our work is paramount at IDEX. Each of our businesses has its own quality policy that addresses the specific markets and technologies in which they are engaged. Most IDEX businesses are ISO-9000 certified, including facilities in Asia, and many business units maintain a variety of certifications from the National Transportation Safety Board, Food and Drug Administration, and other regulatory agencies.
Environmental, Health, & Safety
At IDEX, we are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace and to conducting our business activities in an environmentally responsible manner that preserves natural resources and minimizes adverse impacts or health/safety risks to our employees, customers, and communities. With this goal in mind, we maintain management systems designed to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and company requirements that support the integration of environmental, health, and safety into our business processes.